Disciples 2 FAQ

his is a list of the most frequent asked Disciples 2 questions. If your question isn't here email: ament@xs4all.nl

Where can I buy the game?
Where can I buy the cardgame Blades of War?
What turn-based games are also interesting to play?
How do I hire a leader?
How do I plant a rod?
How do I export a leader?
How do I import a high leveled leader?
How can I create my own map?

  • Where can I buy the game?
    You can order it at
    Strategyfirst.com or buy it in a computer store near your home.

  • Where can I buy the cardgame Blades of War?
    You can't buy it seperately. It's only included in the collectors edition of Disciples 2.

  • What turn-based games are also interesting to play?
    Try searching for Heroes of Might and Magic 4, Age and Wonders 2, Etherlords and Warlords 4. Other older interesting turn-based games are: Jagged Alliance 2, Civilization, Fallout, Master of Magic etc.

  • How do I hire a leader?
    - In this example we are going to hire an Archangel in the Empires saga.
    - First of all be sure there is no leader in your capital. If there is still a leader in the capital then get him out of there by clicking on the shield, then click somewhere on the map, and click again (he'll start walking).
    - Double click on your capital (the map is gone and you'll see a nice picture of a castle on your left). Now click on the 'Army Screen'-button in the bottom right corner. The button will look like this:

    - The army screen has two sides: the right side (the units who are in the capital) and the left side (the units who are ready to get out of the capital).
    - Click on the left side (on the text: 'click here to hire a leader and create a party'). You'll see a list of leaders, click on the archangel and click on OK. Give her a name and click again on OK.
    - Now you have a archangel ready at the front door of the capital. Be sure to also give her some protection. Just go to the army screen again and now click on one of the empty places on the right (the places with a picture of a paperdoll on it). You'll get a list of units, click on the Squire. and then on OK, and then click again on OK. Now you bought a fighter unit but he's still not in your archangel party. Click on the squire on your right and hold the left mouse button. Now your able to move him to the other side. Move him one place right of the archangel (so he's in the front line protecting the archangel).
    - That's all. Go to the map screen again and click on the shield to start walking with your archangel.

  • How do I plant a rod?
    - Click on the Archangel leader and then click on the 'plant rod' button in the bottomleft corner of the screen. The button will look like this:

    - Now click somewhere on the map and click on the same spot again. You'll get this message: 'Drop a rod for 150 gold coins?'
    Click on the OK button and it's done!

  • How do I export a leader?
    - You're able to export your leader anytime. First of all go to the options by clicking on this button:

    - Now click on the 'Export Leader'-button on the bottom of the screen. It will look like this:

    - Click on the portrait of the leader you want to export and click on OK!

  • How do I import a high leveled leader?
    - First of all know this: You can only import leaders in CUSTOM sagas and scenarios. So importing a leader in the official sagas won't work! They would be way too easy with a high leveled leader.
    - We'll start from the main menu. Click on 'Single Player'.
    - Now click on 'New Quest'.
    - Choose the map you want to play, click on the continue arrow.
    - Choose a race. Make sure you choose the same race as the leader you exported!
    - You're now in the leader screen. There's a special button somewhere that looks like this:
    Import Leader button
    - Click on it and the 'Import Leader'-window will open.
    - Click on the portrait of your leader (If there are no portraits to click on then go to
    How do I export a leader?).
    - Click on the continue arrow.
    - Click on OK and your leader is imported! Click on the continue arrow to start the quest

  • How can I create my own map?
    - There is a scenario editor but it can't be activated through the Disciples 2 menu.
    - Go the directory where you installed Disciples 2 (for example: C:/Games/Disciples2/) and double click on the 'Scenedit.exe' file (the icon is a skull with a feather) to start it up.
    - If you can't find out how the editor works: startup 'Disciples 2 Scenario Editor Manual.htm' file in the 'Disciples2/Scenedit manual' directory. It's just like a webpage only offline. It might be useful to print it out.

  • Visit Disciples 2 Dungeon